Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Bang Trilogy- Book Covers

Tim Jones had everything planned out. He was going to tell his wife, Shelley, that he still loved her. He didn't care if she cheated on him with his best friend, Frank.
He wanted Shelley back and was ready to move on...
That was until someone shot him...
It all began with a BANG. It sounds so simple and yet could be the beginning for any movie or book. But did Tim shoot himself or did someone try to kill him? And an even bigger question is WHY? A BANG is only a small portion of what is happening in this novel. Bang carries you through suspects and crimes committed by each of the characters--some worse than others. Noir at its best! This dark story has it all. Lies, deciet, sex, and murder. You wont believe what you read and will enjoy the thrill ride to the end.

LIES, SEX, DECEPTION and MURDER all come into play in this twisted sequel to William Butler's BANG. Claire Newman is at it again as she manipulates Tim Jones and a few new faces into her web of deceit. As for Tim, he has his own problems. With a fragmented memory, he sets out to forget the past and work on his future with a new relationship. But not even Claire will let Tim forget that faithful night he was shot. With twisted lies and truths twisted Claire won't rest until she has what she's set out to do...and the results could spell DEATH for a lot of people.
The story continues from the first book. A lot is going on and if you think that BANG was just about Tim Jones then you have a lot to learn...

Book 3 in the trilogy. Smoked pics up an hour before the last book ended. Talk about double crosses!! This book will bring all three books together and give you the roller coaster ride of your life!! 
Hold on to something baby, you're gonna be blown away.

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